Bronco Bash 2025
Vendor Terms and Conditions Agreement
Office of Student Engagement
By submitting your payment for the 2025 Bronco Bash, your organization agrees:
To pay the $200 fee for businesses or the $130 fee for government agencies and non-profits
Adhere to the vendor handbook and its rules for the day of event
Refrain from moving spacing reserved for other vendors at event
Only pass out materials suitable for campus life
Only hand out information within the confines of their allotted places
Bronco Bash agrees to provide your organization with the following benefits that are within the vendor purchase:
One 10x10 space along with an 8x8 table (and two folding chairs)
Email correspondence to alert of spacing at least 1 week in advance
Mapping to assist in unloading and loading of materials
Monthly newsletters to understand updates and expectations
*Load-out assistance is not available